Hypothyroidism and Reoccurring UTI’s (Urinary Tract Infections), Inflammation Issues, Pain Free

“Through bloodwork tests, coordinated with my regular doctor, Dr. Huang gradually weaned me off my thyroid medication and I feel healthier and have more energy than I have had in years. I have also noticed my body has no inflammation issues and I am pain free, which is a big deal for someone who enjoys numerous athletic activities. Gradually my UTI symptoms also decreased and I no longer feel on the brink of a UTI.”

Dr. Huang immediately changed my diet to a simple and pure diet with supplemental herbs and treatments three times a week.  Although I have always eaten a healthy diet, the specific changes while subtle, felt restrictive at first, but as my energy increased, my hopefulness also increased. Through bloodwork tests, coordinated with my regular doctor, Dr. Huang gradually weaned me off my thyroid medication and I feel healthier and have more energy than I have had in years. I have also noticed my body has no inflammation issues and I am pain free, which is a big deal for someone who enjoys numerous athletic activities.

Gradually my UTI symptoms also decreased and I no longer feel on the brink of a UTI. Dr. Huang and his staff are extremely positive and encouraging and I am so thrilled to have experienced this journey with him.

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